Reflection on the other side - Part 2 - Christine

So I was thinking of writing some words of wisdom following the completion of our adventure across Hadrian's Wall but I am a little stuck. For the first time in a long time, I am feeling a lot of emotions and don't really know where to start, but strangely, I don't feel guilty or ashamed of any of these. I don't feel the need to question, justify or worry why I'm feeling all these things. I am just allowing me to be me. I look back at the blog, the pictures, the comments, and slow down to reflect, recognising and appreciating each emotion as they come, some good and some not so much. I would never have been able to do this before. I would have just ticked the box, and moved to the next item on the list. It was better and easier not to feel, or so I thought. Taking the advice of everyone, here goes.... I feel proud of this achievement because despite all the pains and occasional tears, I have completed a 94 mile walk in all weather and terrain when I ha...