Hadrian's Wall Trek - Day 3


So with day 3 of our trek, we predicted it as the toughest day and we were not wrong!

Day started off alright even though we can't say the George Hotel live up to the standard.  It had a nice bed and hot shower which to us might as well have been 5 star as we were so knackered from the day before!

After breakfast, we went into Chollerford high street to pick up some supplies. Although this added an extra mile to our distance it also proof that our legs still works and it's good to have a little stretch before the actual trek!

We are all geared up with paracetamol and plasters for our blisters.  Deep heat are rubbed and stretches are done! With food and sports drink packed we feel as ready as ever! We first got off to Chester Roman Fort to get our Hadrian's Wall passport stamped, then we head off to the Hadrian's Wall path!  Nothing will stop us now....

.... unless it involves a field of killer cows!!!!
Recalling a story told by a fellow trekker yesterday travelling the opposite direction, he told us there was a field with a raging bull just off the Northumberland National Park. Just luck would have it, when we reached there onto a big open field, there must have been 20 or 30 of these deadly moos just sitting there staring at us, right next to the gate and stairs that we wanted to go through! We ended up walking along the road just to avoid them.  You win you huge imposing and probably friendly animals!

The next 3 or 4 miles was okay as we feel that we begin to get the hang of it. We are better prepared with our gear, wearing extra socks, rest and eat when we have to. We take pictures when we can, and even stopping off for hot chocolate near the car park by the Temple of Mithras!

The weather took a bad turn in the afternoon and became miserable.  Cloudy grey sky,  constant drizzle and howling wind blowing from opposite direction with chill factor! We are in mainly open fields and there are nowhere to hide! The trek also start to get long steep hill which take ridiculous amount of effort to get to the top, only to go down and up again!  Even my choice of music play list with classic such as Fire Starter and Baby Got Back didn't help.  We shared a few tears and sniffles but soldier on!

Unfortunately it did not get any easier as our old friend blisters wanted to play again.  Fatigue are setting in as we are getting tired more easily with the terrain.  Everything is hurting and we really had to dig deep!  The hills are getting common and there are lots of ups and downs.  We kept ourselves going but we were moving as slow as a mile per hour at one point because the wind was just relentless! 

We finally made it to Housesteads Roman Fort where we have to get the second passport stamp of the day. Turns out the museum with the stamp was at the bottom of the hill, off from the actual Hadrian's Wall Path so we have to trek down and back up again.  Its 5pm.  Our legs were pretty dead at this point and our Air BnB is 6 miles away!  Help!!!!

We stopped to rest just before we reached Crag Lough after another couple of miles and realised it would be too late when we get to our destination.  We were tired, in pain and feels like we are letting everyone down. Together with the morning detour, we have walked just over 12 miles at this point. We are still 4 miles away and won't make it until 9pm at this rate. So we made the painful decision to walk another couple of miles to a pub (Yes! First pub today!!!) before getting a cab for the final 2-3 mile journey. We will add the missing journey to tomorrow's trek!

By the time we got to the Air BnB it was around 8:15pm.  All together it would have been around 14.2 miles which I guess it's not bad with the stupid wind consider there were elevation of 1550 ft with the hills.  Its a tough day for us! I've lost my hat, I might have got a cold. But I said to myself 'That will do pig! That will do!'
Time to rest our engines again! Thank you for everyone's support. We love seeing your comments on Facebook!
Please check out our just giving page! We are nearly 3x our target! Thank you to everybody!
Yat and Christine 


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