Hadrian's Wall Trek- Day 4

 Day 4 of our Hadrian's Wall Trek and it is a lovely day!  After yesterday's misery, we had a good night's rest at the Air bnb in Haltwhistle and greeted by various farm animals in the morning.  The owner had offered to drive us down to the high street and wait for us while we get supplies, and then drop us off at the next nearest car park by the Hadrian's Wall path.  

As tempting as it is, we wanted to make up the missing 3 miles from yesterday so we head off the the High street via some scenic route.  However, wild animal strikes again and a humongous horse appeared blocking one of the gates and wouldn't back off.  I got up close and had no idea horses are so massive as it head is basucally bigger than my whole torso!  That or I have really slimmed down from the last 3 days of walking!  Alright you giant and probably tamed animal. You win!

We ended up having to back track and walk down the main road instead. We found ourselves a greasy spoon and had a full English breakfast! We polished that off and brought baguettes for lunch and a few essential before making our way back up to the Hadrian's Wall path. 

We made our way via Haltwhistle Burn with a nice small river and great big trees. We carry on to Willa Road which is all uphill until we reach the B6318 where we have to cross over back to the path!

It was a long steep hill up to the Chester Fort and we have to walk pass some killer cows again. This time they have calfs around so we were extra cautious not to disturb them.  At this point we have more than made up the three miles we missed yesterday and back on track by our planned route! Brilliant!

The trek from here on is just glorious!  OK, there are still hills to climb but the contrast to yesterday was just night and day! Instead of the misery of drizzly rain and cold wind, we have spectacular sunshine and light breeze which is almost too good to be true. We pick a nice high spot for lunch where we have the magnificent view of North Penines infront of us and the Northumberland National Park behind. It was so lovely, we could have sat there all day!

We finally made ourselves continue and walk through the steep paving slabs before reaching Walltown Crags which has probably one of the best preserved sections of the Hadrian's Wall.  Some section of the wall are up to 13 courses high which makes Christine look even shorter than usual. 😆

At its highest points, it provide great panoramic view of the area which really is breath taking.  This really worth the climb and we are so glad we didn't take the lower easy route ! We made our way back down the hill into the Walltown visitor centre for a pit stop before making our way to our accommodation destination. 

On our way we, we went past the Thirlwall Castle and had to cross a railway track! After walking through the Roman Defence ditch and around someone's vegetable garden (!), we are in Gilsland. We made our way through the main street and out the other side before going up an endless steep road before reaching our B & B call Hill on the Wall.  Knackered at this point but so glad we made it in good time today!

We've done 11.3 miles today which we had luckily planned as a short day as it mean we have time to cover the lost journey from yesterday.  Its the first day that we actually enjoy ourselves dispite the pain accumulated from the pass 3 days. The blisters are still there, so is the dodgy ankle and knees. Our feet and legs are still killing us but it all took a back seat today. We are way over the half way point in terms of distance as we have done approx 55 miles so far.  Thank you to everyone's support. Its business as usual tomorrow as we are back to a 13 or 14 mile trek. Hope it goes smoothly!

Please check out our just giving page. We are only £s away from trebling our target! Thank you so much!


Yat and Christine 




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