Hadrian's Wall Trek - Day 6


Day 6! After a nice dinner and great night of sleep at the posh Fleece hotel, we feel energise after the long long trek yesterday.  I'd like to think we start to get the hang of daily trekking but it seems to surprise us everyday!

After our Michelin Star grade breakfast, we got ourselves ready with the usual blister/pain killer ritual and caught a taxi back to the Hadrian's Wall path as we don't want to dice with our lives again walking along the motorway!

We got drop off at the Carlise Airport by the taxi driver (who ironically drove from Carlise to pick us up), and begin our trip towards Carlise.

We walked past the Solway Aviation Museum where people are preparing to open and probably wondered what the heck we are doing there! After dodging a some cars and a bin lorry on the road, we were able to join the path at Oldwall not far from where we left off yesterday.

We were in high spirits as we know we are working towards the end.  Knowing we need to do similar distance to yesterday we waste no time and set off!  We are so determine we didn't even stop at the pub when we went through Low Crosby!!!!  We carried on to Linstock before we decided to have rest having done 5.5 miles.  We took the chance to have a little snack and of cause airing our smelly feet! 👣  Christine also Hulked out and ripped off her trousers legs as it was getting rather hot!

We went over the M6 motorway when we resume our way and arrived at Rickerby Park. After crossing an iron bridge and turned to what seem to be the opposite direction of the town centre, we arrive at Sands Center.  We decided to head into town as we need to refill our water and get some supplies!

So naturally,  we went into a pub after a bit of sightseeing (I.e. we got a little lost). We stopped off at Howard Arm in Carlise for a drink and grub. We realise we still have 5 miles to go so we took a small detour after getting supplies and back onto the path!

As we had to make it to our lodge before 6pm, we really push ourselves as it is already around 3:30pm. We follow River Eden and went through quite a few set of steep steps and tough narrow tracks with thick vegetation. We had to stop and popping pills (paracetamol) under a tree at one point as we were both in pain.  

We pass through a few farms and soldier on to Beaumont where there is a diversion so we once again have walk on the road against traffic. After a very long steep hill to the village Christine is having a bit of asthma attack and had to catch her breath. We had a call at this point from the lodge owner as he thought we might have some sort of car trouble not knowing we were actually walking there.  We made it at the end and there is hot shower and bed waiting for us! Result!!

Later on, we had a meal and a drink or two or three at Drovers Rest just 300 yards down the road. We got talking to the owner Becki about what we are doing, she proceed to slipped an envelope to us from her and her staff with donation to our charity! What nice, superb and caring people they are!  Christine immediately had a bit of an ugly cry but it could just be the alcohol.  What a day!

We have done 14 miles today! Dispite all the pain we are now at the final stage! Tomorrow we should be literally flying to the finishing line as we won't have to carry our big back packs because we will be staying at the lodge for an extra night. 
We have now trebled out donation target for Mindblmk.  Thank you for everyone's support. Please check out and share our justgiving page!
Yat and Christine


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