Reflection on the other side - Part 2 - Christine

So I was thinking of writing some words of wisdom following the completion of our adventure across Hadrian's Wall but I am a little stuck.  For the first time in a long time, I am feeling a lot of emotions and don't really know where to start, but strangely, I don't feel guilty or ashamed of any of these. I don't feel the need to question, justify or worry why I'm feeling all these things.  I am just allowing me to be me. I look back at the blog, the pictures, the comments, and slow down to reflect, recognising and appreciating each emotion as they come, some good and some not so much. I would never have been able to do this before. I would have just ticked the box, and moved to the next item on the list. It was better and easier not to feel, or so I thought.  Taking the advice of everyone, here goes....

I feel proud of this achievement because despite all the pains and occasional tears, I have completed a 94 mile walk in all weather and terrain when I have never done anything like this before
I feel I have cheated because I took a taxi in the middle, and didn't carry a full backpack at the end  even though I more than made up the miles in walking, and with the equivalent of a small child on my back for at least 80 miles.
I am grateful for Yat for putting up with me and supporting me through all these 25 years, not just the last week
I am thankful for my family and friends who are always there for me, even if I didn't feel I could reach out to them without being a burden
I feel disappointed that the walk has now finished and I have to go back to work and my daily routine
I feel loved as I get to cuddle my boys and watch them chat and play
I am worried because I don't know how long it would take for my feet and toes to recover
I am excited as I start thinking about the next adventure and challenge I can work towards
I am unsure about whether our story has helped others or not and if we have raised enough funds
I am surprised of how much I have learnt about myself
I feel comforted to know I can reach out for help when I need it
I feel free that I can express myself without being judged.  

 I have learnt and will accept each day, each step, good and bad as an achievement, not just the end result.  As someone once said, mental health is not about the destination, but a process. It's about how you drive, not where you are going.

I am fortunate that I have been given a second chance and able to access the help.  Others may not get this opportunity before its too late. Mental illness is invisible and impacts on people from all walks of life at any time.  We all react to different triggers and show it in different ways. There is still so much stigma associated with it, and in some cases still little awareness of the support available.  

So thank you for coming on this adventure with us and for allowing us to share our story.   Please don't suffer in silence, you will find someone out there to listen and help you. 

Be kind to yourself and others, nobody is perfect. 
Until the next time...


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