This weekend, we were testing out trekking with our backpacks weighted in two consecutive days to have a feel how its going to be for the real thing. If some nutters (crazy friend from work) can run it in 20 hours and many people walk it in 3 days - to do it in 7 days can't be too hard right......?
We did some thorough research when selecting our backpacks as we would need to carry necessities for the 7 days. Minimum change of clothes, toiletries, and food for snacking as we can't guarantee we'll be near any shops in the middle 3 days of the trek.
As with everything you can pay an arm and a leg for anything you want and I have no idea design of backpacks are so advance these days! At the end we both settles for Osprey backpack as they seem to tick every box of requirements. We went for 50L (I think Christine's is 60L as it has a detachable top) in volume which seem huge. But consider what we have to carry this seem to be an ideal size.
The Osprey design is really something else. For a start they have adjustable height where you can change the distance between the shoulder straps against the strap around your waist. Together with the strap across your chest, it means the weight is evenly distributed with majority of the weight around your hips instead of your shoulders. Amazingly it makes a lot of difference as I know I've carried lighter stuff before on a normal backpack and it really hurt my shoulders. Weekend with the Osprey backpacks had caused no strain to my upper body at all! Incredible!

As well as many compartments and straps to secure, integrated rain cover and side pockets for the hipbelt (that's where all my snacks are going baby!), the most impressive thing for me is the ventilated mesh back panel. It basically seperate your back from the back of the backpack so your back won't get sweaty. That's a lot of back in one sentence! Also, you can fit a hydration bladder inside so I can load myself with vodka and drink discreetly.... I mean water!
So we did a trek on Friday and Saturday with the backpacks. We have stuff them with blankets and weights to simulate the real thing. Apparently the comfort load shouldn't weight more than 10% of your body weight. My pack ended up weighing around 8.5kg which is a bit over but I thought it will be a good test.
Friday evening was a short trek. It was cloudy and not too hot at around 22°C. We comfortably done 3 mile around the country park in an hour. Only mistake is my fashion sense with shorts and unmatching colour socks which result in loads of nettles inside my shoes and took me the whole evening to pick out!
Lesson of the day is not to wear shorts whilst walking through farm lands!
Not feeling the effect of the mild walk yesterday, we thought we would go for it on Saturday and planned a 7 to 8 mile walk with mixture of roads, gravel paths, fields and narrow beaten track amongst the bushes with bits of steep hills.
We had our water bladder filled as it is a hot day (sunny mid 20s) so we can gauge how much water we drink on the distance we travel. With the same 8.5kg on my back, the first few miles on the road, grass track and bridal ways seems easy peasy. But as soon as we are on uneven ground of farm lands and a few hills to tackle, we can really start to feel the pressure with my feet telling me 'Hey bro, can we stop walking?'
We have done long walks like this before but we carry nothing more than just a water bottle. It really does make a difference with the extra weight of the backpack. You get tied a lot more quickly and I found I drank far more water than I normally would! We did went by some really nice scenery around Renhold and Ravensden. Met some friendly piggies and sheep!
When we got home after pretty much 3 hours of none stop walking. Our legs are killing us. My feet refused to stand and I cooled off by sit down with a cold cider and soaking my feet in the kiddies play pool (sorry kids). To think this is equivalent of just half the distance of a days walk and we have to do this for 7 days?
Daunting as it is we are determined! We will do it! With only a few weeks to go, we would definitely need more training.
Thank you for reading! Thank you if you have already donated. We can't believe we have reach our target already after 2 days! Lets see how much we can raise! Please check out our just giving page!
Yat and Christine
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