Hadrian's Wall Trek - Erm.... what training?

Well, what's going on this week and a half?

It was soooo hot last week with the wacky 40°C Tuesday!  I've just managed one short walk. A trek with a familiar mixture of farm land and roads near our country park!  Road surface change from tarmac to grass and gravel, wicked scenery and decent elevation, comes in at just over 6 km which satisfy my slighty OCD. It had become quite a favorite route of mine as I know exactly where to go!  I have tried the same route with various set up in the last few weeks.

I was trying to work out what is considered a good pace as I found Christine's obsession of '1 mile in 20 minutes' a bit too much.  But to my surprise,  I actually walk much quicker than this on my own! My normal walk on this route with only a water bottle takes just under an hour. A slow jog takes around 45 minutes and with the back pack it took one hour and 7 minutes.  This is 5.4 km an hour which is roughly 3.4 miles per hour! So I'm actually smashing the 20 minutes per mile mark!

However, this is on familiar ground and with the real trek along the Hadrian's Wall in couple of weeks, I'm sure the some of the terrain would be much more difficult and certainly unfamiliar.  Plus we would definitely stop from time to time trying to enjoy the scenery and take pictures! 
I've found various recommendations that 2 mils per hour for trekking is actually an average speed! Anything more than that is consider as fast! That feels fine with me and actually gave me some confidence!  This is a trek not a race afterall!  Let's hope we have the stamina for the 7 days and our legs will last for the duration!

Majority of the week was just way too hot to do anything.  Training will have to start again next week!   Meanwhile a garden paddling pool seem to be the best choice of activity!

Thanks again for everyone who have donated to our charity! We have nearly double our target and we couldn't thank you enough.  Please check out the just giving page:-


Thanks for reading!

Yat and Christine



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